Britain awakens, but can Australia?

An argument for Australian populism.Untitled

During the BREXIT a great deal of misinformation was spread on both sides of the debate, however one thing remained very clear in the rhetoric – it was a vote to decide whether or not globalist concerns would win the British isles. Whether those concerns were to do with education, trade or immigration didn’t seem to matter. It was almost completely dominated by “Globalist” vs “National Interest”.

In answer the British people said no. And as a result, the TTIP will no longer include the British people in its’ broad reaching aims, and the UK will need to create its’ own Free Trade Agreement with mainland Europe and the USA.

As of this week, both Australia and New Zealand have expressed interest to be the first to begin negotiations with Britain for a Free Trade Agreement of their own.

The crux of these circumstances is that it has not effected Britain to not be part of an overarching trade block, nor will it. They will negotiate trade on an ad-hoc basis from now on, with many trade partners and trade blocs as is necessary.

Australia as of February signd the TPP between Pacific nation trading countries along with the USA, Japan, Canada, New Zealand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Brunei, Singapore, Chile and Mexico.

The TPP it should be pointed out does away with or reduces some 18,000 tariffs.

The obvious concern is for job losses as companies move to countries with the lowest wages and low corporate tax rates. Many already do this with their head offices, allowing them to dodge the Australian corporate tax rates now, as has been brought up ad-nauseum over the past several years.

Right now Donald Trump in the USA is running on a platform which is very openly attacking another such trade deal – NAFTA. This “free trade” agreement has destroyed close to 1 million jobs in America, moving them to other countries where workers are cheaper to procure.

Here in Australia we’ve already gone through a similar problem with Mitsubishi and Toyota moving production back to Japan, slowly cutting back manufacturing year after year until they had closed up altogether.

In January 2015, the car tariffs for Japan came down by another 5% due to “Free Trade” agreements signed off by our federal government in the past. You can read that as “We are now giving them a federal government monetary bonus for taking jobs out of the country.”

Sure, while you might pay a little less for a car, you’re paying a lot more in unemployment and unionised job wages for those effected by these industries shutting down. The immeasurable social costs of the loss of jobs and effects on families cannot even be fathomed.

Malcolm Turnbull appeared today in the National Press Club urging people not to vote for independants and non-aligned 3rd parties, as that might skew the senate and create a hung parliament. However with these kinds of globalist agendas being pushed by both major parties, do people really have a choice but to realise that the EU began as just such an free trade zone agreement?

Aren’t these major parties merely two sides of the same coin?

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