The awful Abortion obfuscation going on in the AltRight.


There have been a plethora of stories, podcasts and talks going on about this topic over the past year or so in the AltRight, most of which for some reason or another ends up coming down to numbers.

“If abortion were illegal, there’d be 50% more African Americans than there are today.” Is usually the line the conversation ends with, and everyone then nods wisely figuring the subject was close and a consensus has been met.

However, for some reason or other, nobody suggests that perhaps because of many of the other differences between African Americans and European American racial groups – that perhaps the fallout and cultural decay caused by abortion also has different weight to it.

To be AltRight is to accept certain differences between races and I would argue at least to accept the CONSTRUCT of r/K selection theory – if not the exact science.

When one suggests to me that an r selected racial group is having children 10:1 against a K selection racial group I consider resources, I consider housing, food, education. But what about care? What about the concept of preservation of life at a very basic level? How is the culture effected by this? Do the parents even CARE for their kids or have they at some basic level already admitted some might not survive? Does this effect their overall psychology?

Does the Somali man who has 15 children to 3 different mothers CARE about the preservation of his family? Does the Congolese? The Ethiopian?

Does the Westerner who has 1 child?

Is there a psychological and cultural difference?

What is the fallout of derailing that fatherhood for more nihilistic pursuits vs the fallout of derailing fatherhood for survival?

These are questions that seem lacking in the conversation regarding abortion in the AltRight. If – as many believe – we have a larger cultural heritage, then surely we have more to lose. And certainly much of that cultural and family social fabric is damaged when abortion is seen as a reasonable alternative to parenthood – so therefore is it not MORE damaging to us than to others?

This is not necessarily true of Ghetto Culture any more than African Culture. Are they damaged by it? How so?

The damage to us is GREATER even if the numbers might add up. And the ability of ghetto culture to change into a more sophisticated culture is probably being hindered and thus made more dangerous BECAUSE there is no responsibility necessary for conception.

We often point to the fact that black America had better family cohesion under slavery than it does today. We also point out that during the 40s and 50s African Americans had far greater numbers of fathers in the home. And the decline in that community has clearly made it far more dangerous to EVERYONE.

This is not just a numbers game. We don’t even know what the numbers might BE once the welfare system had to deal with that many more people. Would it collapse? Would we have already defeated the socialist regime in place?

How much of the cultural decline might’ve been avoided had people needed to take responsibility for sex outside of marriage?

“Muh 50 million” is a shit tier argument.

The conversation has not been had. It’s been avoided by people in the AltRight who want to be everything to everyone and it smacks of the same dishonesty we get from politicians today, glossing over the inconvenient truths and questions for the sake of sheer mathematics all the while taking the numbers out of context or just making them up.

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